Happy Birthday
To Camille

Wish I could have been there to celebrate with you. I’m always glad that we’re growing up together. Sending you so much love on your birthday! Wishing you many happy, healthy years to come.

Hope you, camille, enjoy your special day!

Hello! I'm Daz. It's been a while since I wrote a letter. It's been quite a while since your birthday, but I think this site I created for your birthday is meaningful to me, so I'm going to put it in my portfolio. It's been a while since I took it out and fixed it. I updated it to a new version while fixing it. And I've made a mobile version. Do you want to access the link? This time, I tried to make it look good regardless of the resolution of the monitor! Try using the computer instead of the mobile phone!

I'm going to send this letter in English for the consistency of the site, but English might be a little awkward because I'm going to use a translator. I'm thinking of writing in Japanese and translating it into English. I've heard that the quality of the translation will be better. I wish I could give you something nicer next year. Thank you for always supporting me.I'll work harder as much as you cheered for me! Thank you! It's past your birthday, so I wrote a short letter instead of a celebration. Have a nice day!

2022.8.18 (Thu) From. Daz